Executive & Team Coaching

If you are looking at this page it’s probably because your career, leadership and responsibilities are really important to you. But you may struggle with balance. You are probably great at working for long periods of time under pressure, but it can occasionally become overwhelming.

As leaders we create complex identities for ourselves, in different parts of our lives, We like to try to compartmentalise our lives but more often than not we experience unavoidable overlap.

At Inner Mountain Coaching I can help by taking a more holistic approach. I use a combination of modern positive psychology, cognitive behavioural coaching approaches, and introducing a little ancient wisdom from the stoics – basically some straight talking common sense.

By creating safe and reflective spaces it can help you reconnect with your purpose and move you towards more positive action. I specialise in stress and helping avoid burnout, creating rebalance and control.

Sometimes the path is long and it can be really tough but facing the hard route is not just beneficial but is essential to move us forward. Coaching will help you with every step.

Stuart Rimmer MBE

Executive Coaching

Our executive coaching focuses on improving your performance, to get the most out of yourself and your team. We can coach at any time you feel you need it. We regularly support onboarding new executives, coach around career transition, supporting new strategy development, periods of intense crisis or change- professional or personal (they often happen concurrently).

We can also support members of your executive team who you may feel are  underperforming to explore reasons, behaviours and help set priorities, actions and provide deeper supportive accountability. I coach a huge range of client topics including self-confidence, workplace conflict, work life balance, launching a start-up, challenge in leadership roles, finding creative purpose and so much more….it’s for you to bring what you would like to work on together. 

It’s not therapy. Therapy often investigates the past in order to discover, heal and understand. Coaching, on the other hand, looks to the future to make a good life even better. We do use many therapeutic tools and we may explore some areas often found in therapy to help you reflect or understand yourself more deeply. But we are more interested in what you wish to become in the future.

The key thing to know is as your coach is I am 100% on your side. I’ll meet you at the place where you are psychologically, and I’ll support you from there. It’s your time, your space, your agenda and all about you.

TEAM Coaching

Like individual coaching, team coaching focuses on improving performance. In the case of a team, as the coach I’ll explore and observes the team’s current functioning, assesses the team’s strengths and weaknesses, and develops a plan for addressing any change.

Coaching Fees

I can coach you face to face or online. Sometimes clients book one off ‘breakthrough’ sessions or a package over 6 or 12 months. I’ll build a coaching package that suits you. Just get in touch and we can talk about what you need and how I might best support you. 

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